JNTUK Java Programming R20


Course Objectives: 

The learning objectives of this course are: 

  1. To identify Java language components and how they work together in applications 
  2. To learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries. 
  3. To learn how to extend Java classes with inheritance and dynamic binding and how to use exception handling in Java applications.
  4. To understand how to design applications with threads in Java 
  5. To understand how to use Java APIs for program development.

Course Outcomes: 

By the end of the course, the student will be 

  1. Able to realize the concept of Object Oriented Programming & Java Programming Constructs 
  2. Able to describe the basic concepts of Java such as operators, classes, objects, inheritance, packages, Enumeration and various keywords 
  3. Apply the concept of exception handling and Input/ Output operations 
  4. Able to design the applications of Java & Java applet 
  5. Able to Analyze & Design the concept of Event Handling and Abstract Window Toolkit


Program Structure in Java: Introduction, Writing Simple Java Programs, Elements or Tokens in Java Programs, Java Statements, Command Line Arguments, User Input to Programs, Escape Sequences Comments, Programming Style. Data Types, Variables, and Operators :Introduction, Data Types in Java, Declaration of Variables, Data Types, Type Casting, Scope of Variable Identifier, Literal Constants, Symbolic Constants, Formatted Output with printf() Method, Static Variables and Methods, Attribute Final, Introduction to Operators, Precedence and Associativity of Operators, Assignment Operator ( = ), Basic Arithmetic Operators, Increment (++) and Decrement (- -) Operators, Ternary Operator, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators, Bitwise Logical Operators. Control Statements: Introduction, if Expression, Nested if Expressions, if–else Expressions, Ternary Operator?:, Switch Statement, Iteration Statements, while Expression, do–while Loop, for Loop, Nested for Loop, For–Each for Loop, Break Statement, Continue Statement


Classes and Objects: Introduction, Class Declaration and Modifiers, Class Members, Declaration of Class Objects, Assigning One Object to Another, Access Control for Class Members, Accessing Private Members of Class, Constructor Methods for Class, Overloaded Constructor Methods, Nested Classes, Final Class and Methods, Passing Arguments by Value and by Reference, Keyword this. Methods: Introduction, Defining Methods, Overloaded Methods, Overloaded Constructor Methods, Class Objects as Parameters in Methods, Access Control, Recursive Methods, Nesting of Methods, Overriding Methods, Attributes Final and Static.


                                                                            UNIT III

Arrays: Introduction, Declaration and Initialization of Arrays, Storage of Array in Computer Memory, Accessing Elements of Arrays, Operations on Array Elements, Assigning Array to Another Array, Dynamic Change of Array Size, Sorting of Arrays, Search for Values in Arrays, Class Arrays, Two-dimensional Arrays, Arrays of Varying Lengths, Three-dimensional Arrays, Arrays as Vectors.

Inheritance: Introduction, Process of Inheritance, Types of Inheritances, Universal Super Class-Object Class, Inhibiting Inheritance of Class Using Final, Access Control and Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, Application of Keyword Super, Constructor Method and Inheritance, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract Classes, Interfaces and Inheritance.

Interfaces: Introduction, Declaration of Interface, Implementation of Interface, Multiple Interfaces, Nested Interfaces, Inheritance of Interfaces, Default Methods in Interfaces, Static Methods in Interface, Functional Interfaces, Annotations.

netaji gandi Wednesday, February 15, 2023


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