Input: Two numbers from command line
Output: Sum of two numbers
Write a program that takes 2 numbers as command line arguments and prints its sum.
Command line arguments are the arguments that are passed to the program when the
program is invoked for execution.
Python provides a getopt module that helps us to pass command line arguments and options.
The Python sys module provides access to any command line arguments via sys.argv. This serves
two purposes: 1. sys.argv is the list of command line arguments. 2.len(sys.argv) is the number of command line arguments.
The first argument is always script name and it is also being counted in number of arguments.
As the command line arguments are strings, here we need to type-cast those arguments to the
suitable type.
Input: Two numbers from command line
Output: Sum of two numbers
Step1: Start
Step2: Import sys module
Step3: Read the arguments using commandline and store the values in a and b
Step4: Type cast a to integer and b to integer then calculate the addition of a and b and store the
result in sum
Step5: Print sum
Step6: Stop
step 1: open notepad and write the below program
import sys;
print (n1+n2)
step 2: SAVE
step 3: Open DOS SHELL and go to file saved location (D:\)
step 4: python argument1 argument2
import sys;
print (n1+n2)
step 2: SAVE
step 3: Open DOS SHELL and go to file saved location (D:\)
step 4: python argument1 argument2
I gets the knowledge on math functions and how the values are passed from the
command line.
Sir please upload ppl unit 1and 2.