Python Programing Lab (R16) EXERCISE - 6(a)
Write a program combine_lists that combines these lists into a dictionary.
Python offers a range of compound data types often referred to as Sequences. List is one of the most frequently used and very versatile data type used in Python.
In Python Programming, a List is created by placing all the elements inside a square bracket [ ], separated by commas. It can have any number of items and they may be of different types.
list1 = [10,20,30,40]
list2 = [“Ram”,19,87.81]
Similar to string indices, list indices starts at 0 and lists can be sliced, concatenated and so on..
Here, The task is to combine 2 lists into a dictionary. That means, One list elements will become the keys and another list elements will become the values in the resultant dictionary.
n=int(input("Enter no.of lists u want to combine"))
for i in range(0,n):
a=input("Enter the value")
for b in lists:
print b
dic=dict([(digit,[]) for digit in lists[:]])
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