Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python Week 4 Quiz

Consider the following Python function.
  def mystery(l):
     if l == []:
        return (l)
        return (l[-1:] + mystery(l[:-1]))
What does mystery([31,32,71,18,51]) return?

Ans: [51,18,71,32,31] 
2.5 points
What is the value of pairs after the following assignment?
 pairs = [ (x,y) for x in range(3,0,-1) for y in range(2,0,-1) if (x+y)%3 == 0 ]

Ans: [(2,1),(1,2)] 
2.5 points
2.5 points
Consider the following dictionary.
   marks = {"Quizzes":{"Mahesh":[3,5,7,8],"Suresh":[9,4,8,8],"Uma":[9,9,7,6]},"Exams":{"Mahesh":[37],"Uma":[36]}}
Which of the following statements does not generate an error?

2.5 points
Assume that d has been initialized as an empty dictionary:
  d = {}
Which of the following generates an error?

You may submit any number of times before the due date. The final submission will be considered for grading.

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