Object Oriented Programming through C++ Question Papers




netaji gandi Monday, November 8, 2021
JNTUK R19 R-Programming III Year – I Semester-IT






Course Outcomes: 

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstration and implement of basic R programming framework and data structures
2. Explain critical R programming language concepts such as control structures and recursion.
3. Applying mathematical and statistical operations data structures in R.
4. Examine data-sets to create testable hypotheses and identify appropriate statistical tests
5. Make use of appropriate statistical tests using R and Create and edit visualizations with regression models
6. Define model choices and results.

Course Objectives: 

 After taking the course, students will be able to

1. Use R for statistical programming, computation, graphics, and modeling
2. Write functions and use R in an efficient way
3. Fit some basic types of statistical models
4. Use R in their own research
5. Be able to expand their knowledge of R on their own.


Introduction, How to run R, R Sessions and Functions, Basic Math, Variables, Data Types, Vectors, Conclusion, Advanced Data Structures, Data Frames, Lists, Matrices, Arrays, Classes. 



R Programming Structures, Control Statements, Loops, - Looping Over Nonvector Sets,- If-Else, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and values, Default Values for Argument, Return Values, Deciding Whether to explicitly call return- Returning Complex Objects, Functions are Objective, No Pointers in R, Recursion, A Quicksort Implementation-Extended Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree


Doing Math and Simulation in R, Math Function, Extended Example Calculating Probability, Cumulative Sums and Products-Minima and Maxima- Calculus, Functions Fir Statistical Distribution, Sorting, Linear Algebra Operation on Vectors and Matrices, Extended Example: Vector cross Product, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distribution of Markov Chains, Set Operation, Input /out put, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Reading and writer Files. 


Graphics, Creating Graphs, The Workhorse of R Base Graphics, the plot() Function –Customizing Graphs, Saving Graphs to Files. 


Probability Distributions, Normal Distribution- Binomial Distribution- Poisson Distributions Other Distribution, Basic Statistics, Correlation and Covariance, T-Tests,-ANOVA. Linear Models, Simple Linear Regression, -Multiple Regression Generalized Linear Models, Logistic Regression, - Poisson, Regression- other Generalized Linear Models-Survival Analysis, Nonlinear Models, Splines- Decision ,Random Forests

netaji gandi Monday, October 18, 2021
JNTUK R20 Object Oriented Programming through C++ (OOPS through CPP) II Year – I Semester-IT





 Course Objectives: 

  1. 1. Describe the procedural and object oriented paradigm with concepts of streams, classes, functions, data and objects 
  2. 2. Understand dynamic memory management techniques using pointers, constructors, destructors, etc 
  3. 3. Describe the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions and polymorphism 
  4. 4. Classify inheritance with the understanding of early and late binding, usage of exception handling, generic programming 
  5. 5.  Demonstrate the use of various OOPs concepts with the help of programs 

Course Outcomes: 

By the end of the course, the student will be able to 

  1. 1.  Classify object oriented programming and procedural programming 
  2. 2. Apply C++ features such as composition of objects, operator overloads, dynamic memory allocation, inheritance and polymorphism, file I/O, exception handling 
  3. 3.  Build C++ classes using appropriate encapsulation and design principles 
  4. 4. Apply object oriented or non-object oriented techniques to solve bigger computing problems

UNIT I Introduction to C++: 

Difference between C and C++, Evolution of C++, The Object Oriented Technology, Disadvantage of Conventional Programming-, Key Concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Advantage of OOP, Object Oriented Language

Download Material 

UNIT II Classes and Objects &Constructors and Destructor: 

Classes in C++-Declaring Objects, Access Specifiers and their Scope, Defining Member Function-Overloading Member Function, Nested class, Constructors and Destructors, Introduction, Constructors and Destructor- Characteristics of Constructor and Destructor, Application with Constructor, Constructor with Arguments (parameterized Constructor, Destructors- Anonymous Objects. 

Download Material 

UNIT III Operator Overloading and Type Conversion & Inheritance: 

The Keyword Operator, Overloading Unary Operator, Operator Return Type, Overloading Assignment Operator (=), Rules for Overloading Operators, Inheritance, Reusability, Types of Inheritance, Virtual Base Classes, Object as a Class Member, Abstract Classes, Advantages of Inheritance-Disadvantages of Inheritance. 

UNIT IV Pointers & Binding Polymorphisms and Virtual Functions: 
Pointer, Features of Pointers, Pointer Declaration, Pointer to Class, Pointer Object, The this Pointer, Pointer to Derived Classes and Base Class, Binding Polymorphisms and Virtual Functions, Binding in C++, Virtual Functions, Rules for Virtual Function, Virtual Destructor. 

 UNIT V Generic Programming with Templates

Need for Templates, Definition of class Templates, Normal Function Templates, Overloading of Template Function, Bubble Sort Using Function Templates, Difference Between Templates and Macros, Linked Lists with Templates, Exception Handling, Principles of Exception Handling, The Keywords try throw and catch, Multiple Catch Statements – Specifying Exceptions.

netaji gandi Sunday, October 17, 2021
Library Management System Java Project


Library Management System Java Project 

Library Management System Project Abstract:

LMS is a software application useful for librarians in any educational institution for management and handling of typical operations in the library. It manages data through computerized system in a database which eradicates the tediousness in searching a particular book in the entire library.

Existing System:

The existing library management system is very traditional and manual. Most of the things such as record of students who’ve issued the book, no. of books in the library, fine of students, etc. are recorded using pen-paper system. This traditional system requires a lot of time and manpower for performing simple operations in the library.

The drawbacks of existing system are:

  • Record keeping is paper-based.
  • The system is not computerized.
  • There’s high risk of data mis-management.
  • Students face a lot of problem while searching a book.
  • Chances of book theft from the library is high.
  • A lot of paperwork and manpower is to be allocated for simple library management operations.
  • The existing system is very inefficient and unreliable.

Proposed System:

The proposed library management software is developed after the analysis of issues, problems, and drawbacks of the existing system. Here, different modules have been assigned for managing and organizing different tasks in a library. Using this software, librarian can store information of all the books, with author name, faculty, etc., available in the library. Only one person can handle the entire library.

The main feature of this system is that all the books available in the library can be displayed in a list so that students need not roam through the entire library to find a book. Additionally, the application effectively maintains the details of users/students to whom books have been issued; it also records the issued date and return date.


  • Add, modify and delete book details into the database.
  • Search feature for finding book availability in library stock.
  • Add students records upon issue of a book.
  • Record issue date, return date, and fine (penalty).
  • Payment system/feature allows the librarian to calculate payment details and print bill.

Technologies and Products Used:

  • NetBeans 5.0
  • Tomcat 5.5 embedded in NetBeans
  • Oracle10g Express Edition
  • Jboss 4.0.3
  • Java Server Pages (JSP)
  • Java Beans
  • Enterprise Java Beans

Modules Overview:

  1. Insertion Module: With the help of this module, librarian can insert information and details of users along with book details and time and date of book issue.
  2. Updating Module: This module allows modification to the existing records and details in the library management system database.
  3. Report Generation Module: This module allows task such as printing payment details, stock details of books, etc.


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netaji gandi Tuesday, September 21, 2021
JNTUK R20 Object Oriented Programming through Java (OOPS through JAVA) I-II-ECE



Object Oriented Programming through Java

Course Objectives: This course is designed to:

  • The analytical skills of object oriented programming
  • Overall development of problem solving and critical analysis.
  • Formal introduction to Java programming language


Introduction to Java : Basics of Java programming, Data types, Variables, Operators, Control structures including selection, Looping, Java methods, Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java. Objects and Classes : Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors, Finalizer, Visibility modifiers, Methods and objects, Inbuilt classes like String, Character, StringBuffer, File, this reference.

                                                OOPS through JAVA UNIT 1 MATERIAL       


Inheritance and Polymorphism : Inheritance in java, Super and sub class, Overriding, Object class, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Generic programming, Casting objects, Instance of operator, Abstract class, Interface in java, Package in java, UTIL package.

                                             OOPS through JAVA UNIT 2 MATERIAL   


Event and GUI programming : Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse and key events, GUI Basics, Panels, Frames, Layout Managers: Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, GUI components like Buttons, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text Areas, Combo Boxes, Lists, Scroll Bars, Sliders, Windows, Menus, Dialog Box, Applet and its life cycle, Introduction to swing, Creating a swing applet, swing controls and components.


Event Handling Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse and key events


I/O programming: Text and Binary I/O, Binary I/O classes, Object I/O, Random Access Files. Event driven model, handling events


Multithreading in java: Thread life cycle and methods, Runnable interface, Thread synchronization, Exception handling with try-catch-finally, Collections in java, Introduction to JavaBeans and Network Programming.

netaji gandi Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Exercise - 1 (Basics)

a) Write a JAVA program to display default value of all primitive data type of JAVA


class DefaultValues
byte b;
short s;
int i;
long l;
float f;
double d;
char c;
boolean bl;
String s;
public static void main(String[] args)
DefaultValues df=new DefaultValues();
System.out.println("Byte :"+df.b);
System.out.println("Short :"+df.s);
System.out.println("Int :"+df.i);
System.out.println("Long :"+df.l);
System.out.println("Float :"+df.f);
System.out.println("Double :"+df.d);
System.out.println("Char :"+df.c);
System.out.println("Boolean :"+df.bl);
System.out.println("String :"+df.s);


b) Write a java program that display the roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0. Calculate the discriminate D and basing on value of D, describe the nature of root.

The java.lang.Math class contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions.


//Java Program to Find Roots of a Quadratic Equation
import java.util.Scanner;
class Quadratic
public static void main(String[] args)
//double a = 2.3, b = 4, c = 5.6;
double a,b,c;
System.out.println("Enter a,b,c values:");
Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);
double root1, root2;
double determinant = b * b - 4 * a * c;
// condition for real and different roots
if(determinant > 0)
root1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(determinant)) / (2 * a);
root2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(determinant)) / (2 * a);
System.out.format("root1 = %.2f and root2 = %.2f", root1 , root2);
System.out.println("\nRoots are real and different");
// Condition for real and equal roots
else if(determinant == 0)
root1 = root2 = -b / (2 * a);
System.out.format("root1 = root2 = %.2f;", root1);
System.out.println("\nRoots are real and equal");
// If roots are not real
double realPart = -b / (2 *a);
double imaginaryPart = Math.sqrt(-determinant) / (2 * a);
System.out.format("root1 = %.2f+%.2fi and root2 = %.2f-%.2fi",realPart, imaginaryPart, realPart, imaginaryPart);
System.out.println("\nRoots are imaginary"); //complex and different


c) Five Bikers Compete in a race such that they drive at a constant speed which may or may not be the same as the other. To qualify the race, the speed of a racer must be more than the average speed of all 5 racers. Take as input the speed of each racer and print back the speed of qualifying racers.


import java.util.*;
  class Race
            public static void main(String a[]) 
                     int r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,avg;
                     Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
                     System.out.println("enter the speed of the r1 r2 r3 r4 and r5");
                               System.out.println("first racer is qualified with a race speed "+r1+"\n");
                     else if(r2>avg)
                               System.out.println("second racer is qalified with a race speed "+r2);
                     else if(r3>avg)
                               System.out.println("third racer is qalified with a race speed "+r3);
                     else if(r4>avg)
                               System.out.println("fourth racer is qalified with a race speed "+r4);
                     else if(r5>avg)
                               System.out.println("fifth racer is qalified with a race speed "+r5);
                               System.out.println("no biker is qualified");


netaji gandi


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