JNTUK R20 Object Oriented Programming through Java (OOPS through JAVA) I-II-ECE



Object Oriented Programming through Java

Course Objectives: This course is designed to:

  • The analytical skills of object oriented programming
  • Overall development of problem solving and critical analysis.
  • Formal introduction to Java programming language


Introduction to Java : Basics of Java programming, Data types, Variables, Operators, Control structures including selection, Looping, Java methods, Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java. Objects and Classes : Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors, Finalizer, Visibility modifiers, Methods and objects, Inbuilt classes like String, Character, StringBuffer, File, this reference.

                                                OOPS through JAVA UNIT 1 MATERIAL       


Inheritance and Polymorphism : Inheritance in java, Super and sub class, Overriding, Object class, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Generic programming, Casting objects, Instance of operator, Abstract class, Interface in java, Package in java, UTIL package.

                                             OOPS through JAVA UNIT 2 MATERIAL   


Event and GUI programming : Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse and key events, GUI Basics, Panels, Frames, Layout Managers: Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, GUI components like Buttons, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text Areas, Combo Boxes, Lists, Scroll Bars, Sliders, Windows, Menus, Dialog Box, Applet and its life cycle, Introduction to swing, Creating a swing applet, swing controls and components.


Event Handling Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse and key events


I/O programming: Text and Binary I/O, Binary I/O classes, Object I/O, Random Access Files. Event driven model, handling events


Multithreading in java: Thread life cycle and methods, Runnable interface, Thread synchronization, Exception handling with try-catch-finally, Collections in java, Introduction to JavaBeans and Network Programming.


File Uploading in PHP

  File Uploading in PHP PHP allow you to upload any type of a file i.e. image, binary or text files.etc..,PHP has one in built global variab...