I Year-I Semester

Common to All branches of Engineering

Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course is to acquire knowledge on the

1.To impart adequate knowledge on the need of programming languages and problem-solving
techniques and develop programming skills.

2.To enable effective usage of Control Structures and Implement different operations on arrays.

3.To demonstrate the use of Strings and Functions.

4.To impart the knowledge of pointers and understand the principles of dynamic memory

5.To understand structures and unions and illustrate the file concepts and its operations.

6.To impart the Knowledge Searching and Sorting Techniques


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the Course, Student should be able to:

CO1: Illustrate the Fundamental concepts of Computers and basics of computer programming and problem-solving approach

CO2: Understand the Control Structures, branching and looping statements.

CO3: Use of Arrays and Pointers in solving complex problems.

CO4: Develop Modular program aspects and Strings fundamentals.

CO5: Demonstrate the ideas of User Defined Data types, files. Solve real world problems using the concept of Structures, Unions and File operations.

UNIT-I Introduction to Computer Problem Solving

Programs and Algorithms, Computer Problem Solving Requirements, Phases of Problem
Solving, Problem. Solving Strategies, Top-Down Approach, Algorithm Designing, Program
Verification, Improving Efficiency, Algorithm Analysis and Notations.


UNIT-II Introduction to C Programming

Introduction, Structure of a C Program. Comments, Keywords, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables, Constants, Input/output Statements. Operators, Type Conversion

Control Flow, Relational Expressions: 
Conditional Branching Statements: if, if-else, if-else—if, switch.

Basic Loop Structures: while, do-while loops, for loop, nested loops, The Break and Continue
Statements, goto statement.



Introduction, Operations on Arrays, Arrays as Function Arguments, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays

Pointers: Concept of a Pointer, Declaring and Initializing Pointer Variables, Pointer Expressions and Address Arithmetic, Null Pointers, Generic Pointers, Pointers as Function Arguments, Pointers and Arrays, Pointer to Pointer, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Dangling Pointer, Command Line Arguments.


UNIT-IV Functions
Introduction Function : Declaration, Function Definition, Function Call, Categories of Functions,
Passing Parameters to Functions, Scope of Variables, Variable Storage Classes. Recursion.

Strings: String Fundamentals, String Processing with and without Library Functions, Pointers
and Strings


                                        UNIT-V Structures, Unions, Bit Fields and Data Files
Structures, Unions, Bit Fields: Introduction, Nested Structures, Arrays of Structures, Structures
and Functions, Self-Referential Structures, Unions, Enumerated Data Type —Enum variables,
Using Typedef keyword, Bit Fields. 

Data Files: Introduction to Files, Using Files in C, Reading from Text Files, Writing to Text Files, Random File Access.


Text Books:

1. A Structured Programming Approach Using C, Forouzan, Gilberg, Cengage.
2. How to solve it by Computer, R. G. Dromey, and Pearson Education.
3. Programming In C A-Practia1 Approach. Ajay Mittal, Pearson


1. Byron Gottfried, Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, McGraw-Hill.
2. Computer Programming. Reema Thareja, Oxford University Press
3. The C Programming Language, Dennis Richie And Brian Kernighan, Pearson Education.
4. Programming In C, Ashok Kamthane, Second Edition, Pearson Publication.
5. Let us C ,YaswanthKanetkar, 16th Edition,BPB Publication.
6.Computing fundamentals and C Programming, Balagurusamy, E., McGraw-Hill Education, 2008

Web References:

1. http://www.c4learn.com/
2. http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c/
3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/122104019/
4. http://www.learn-c.org/
5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/

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  UNIT I Introduction to Data mining ,  types of Data ,  Data Quality ,   Data Processing ,   Measures of Similarity   and  Dissimilarity , ...