NPTEL » Python for Data Science

Assignment 1

Due date: 2019-09-11, 23:59 IST.
Your last recorded submission was on 2019-09-04, 21:20 IST
1 point
 The command used to clear console in Spyder is:-
1 point
Which of the following is a valid variable name?
1 point
Python files are saved with extension 
1 point
Which of the following statement is invalid?
1 point
The command to display an output in Python is:-
1 point
Assignment operator used in Python is: -
1 point
Consider the variables a and b. Values of a and b are 280 and 15 respectively. The operation that will return a remainder is: -
1 point
Python command used to calculate 25 is given by:-
1 point
The values of variables p and q are 15 and 3 respectively. What is the value of ‘p’ after running the code below?
1 point
 Which command would you use to find the data type of a variable
1 point
Value of variable p is 45. Command to coerce p from integer datatype to float datatype is:-
1 point
Indicate which command would you use to set the working directory
1 point
Comments in Python begin with
1 point
 What type of object is x? 
   x=(“Python”, “version”, “3.7”)
1 point
Which of the following method can be used to initialize multiple variables with a common value?
1.x=y: y=33
3.x=33; y=x; z=y
1 point
What will be the output after the following statements are executed?
Y= 17
1 point
What is the command to clear a single variable ‘a’ from the variable explorer?
1 point
Which of the package is used for visualization in Python
1 point
 “not in” belongs to which type of operator in Python?
1 point
“is not” belongs to which type of operator in Python?

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