Introduction to industry 4.0 and industrial internet of things Week 5 Assignment NPTEL Jan 22


Week 5 : Assignment 5

Due date: 2022-03-02, 23:59 IST.
Your last recorded submission was on 2022-03-02, 20:20 IST
1 point
Amazon applies the features of IIoT to reduce the operational cost and increase the operational latency in ______________.
1 point
The smart factory features of Cisco & Fanuc include ____________.
1 point
Which of the following does John Deere facilitate?
1 point
Which of the following belongs to the building blocks of a generic business model?
1 point
The Subscription Model is capable of generating _________.
1 point
In which of the following scenarios can IoT products be used as “a proxy to sell another product”?
1 point
Which of the following raise(s) the need for new business models for IoT?
1 point
Which of the following is a type of IIoT business model?
1 point
Which of the following is/are the challenge(s) of the security framework in IIoT business model?
1 point
Which of the following is/are considered as the safety requirement(s) in IIRA infrastructure?
1 point
What is IIRA?
1 point
IIRA v1.8 includes a _____-tier architecture.
1 point
The gateway-mediated edge architecture in IIRA v1.8 consists of ___________.
1 point
How many types of IIRA viewpoints are described by IIC?
1 point
Execution of a task in the usage viewpoint of IIRA includes ______________.

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