NPTEL Data Analytics with Python Week 5 Quiz Assignment Solutions | Jan 2022


              Week5 : Asignment 5

Due date: 2022-03-02, 23:59 IST.
Your last recorded submission was on 2022-03-02, 20:07 IST
1 point
In the analysis of variance procedure (ANOVA) the term "factor" refers to:
1 point
In a problem of ANOVA, involving 3 treatments and 10 observations per treatment, SSE = 500. The MSE for this situation is:
1 point
The ‘F’ ratio in a completely randomized ANOVA is the ratio of
1 point
An ANOVA procedure is applied to data obtained from 7 samples where each sample contains 10 observations. The degrees of freedom for the critical value of F are:
1 point
In an ANOVA problem if SST = 200 and SSTR = 80, then SSE is
1 point
The critical F value with 8 numerator and 29 denominator degrees of freedom at alpha = 0.01 is
1 point
Two Independent simple random samples are taken to test the difference between the means of two populations. The standard deviations are not known, but are assumed to be equal. The sample sizes are n1 = 15 and n2 = 35. The correct distribution to use is the:
1 point
Stare true or false:
Statement: The sampling distribution of two populations P bar1 -P bar2   is approximated by a normal distribution
1 point
Mean marks obtained by male and female students of school ABCD in first unit test are shown as below.
Male Female
Sample Size 64 36
Sample Mean Marks 44 41
Population Variance 128 72

The standard error for the difference between the two means is
1 point
Mean marks obtained by male and female students of school ABCD in first unit test are shown as below.
Male Female
Sample Size 64 36
Sample Mean Marks 44 41
Population Variance 128 72

If you are interested in testing whether or not the average marks of males is significantly greater than that of females, the test statistic is:

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