VR23 Web Technologies Lab MCA II Year I Semester Experiment 7:



PHP script to a) Find the length of a string. b) Count no of words in a string. c) Reverse a string. d) Search for a specific string.

Source Code:


    <title>String Operations in PHP</title>
strlen() function returns the length of a string.
str_word_count() function counts the number of words in a string.
strrev() function reverses a string.
strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string.

$mystr="PHP is a server side scripting language";
echo "<strong>The given string is : </strong> $mystr<br>";
echo "<strong>The length of given string is : </strong> ".strlen($mystr)."<br>";
echo "<strong>The number of words are : </strong>".str_word_count($mystr)."<br>";
echo "<strong>The Reverse of a given String is : </strong> ".strrev($mystr)."<br>";
echo "<strong>The Position of a Sub String '$substr' in the String is : </strong> ".strpos($mystr,$substr);



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VR23 Web Technologies Lab MCA II Year I Semester Experiment 7:

  Aim: PHP script to a) Find the length of a string. b) Count no of words in a string. c) Reverse a string. d) Search for a specific string....